tekom - Tagungen

Translation Management Strategy in the Age of AI

  • Workshop
  • Sprach- und Übersetzungstechnologien
  • 06. November
  • 14:00 - 15:45 PM (MEZ)
  • C4.1
  •  Azadeh Eshaghi

    Azadeh Eshaghi

    • Azadeh Eshaghi Consulting


In this workshop, participants will engage in a dynamic learning experience combining expert presentations and interactive group activities. First, participants will receive a presentation covering key topics related to translation estimation in the era of AI and technology. Following the presentation, participants will work in small groups to delve deeper into specific aspects of the topic, fostering rich discussion and knowledge sharing. Each group will then have the opportunity to present their results to the larger group, encouraging further conversation and insight during the collective discussion session. Through this structured format, participants gain valuable insights from the presentations and benefit from collaborative learning and peer exchange, maximizing the value of the workshop experience.

Das lernen Sie

Participants will learn about AI's impact on translation, the role of human intelligence, factors influencing pricing, various pricing models, using technology for efficiency, transparent pricing, and quality assurance.


 Azadeh Eshaghi

Azadeh Eshaghi

  • Azadeh Eshaghi Consulting

Azadeh Eshaghi, owner of Eshaghi Consulting, has nearly two decades of experience in translation and terminology management. She provides valuable consulting services to SMEs and large corporations, streamlining translation processes. As President of Tecom Schweiz, she represents the organization at tekom Europe and participates in various working groups. She advocates for the mindful application of AI while emphasizing the absolute necessity of human intelligence.