tekom - Tagungen

Recent Legal Developments

  • Fachvortrag
  • Recht, Normen & Standards
  • 06. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (MEZ)
  • C5.2
  • beendet
  • Folien
  •  Jens-Uwe Heuer-James

    Jens-Uwe Heuer-James

    • Luther Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft


The legal requirements for technical documentation, and consequently for the work of technical writers, are constantly evolving. It is "vital" to stay informed about current legal developments—otherwise, there is a risk of producing user information that does not meet the necessary standards, thus posing a potential liability risk. The driving forces behind these changes are both case law and legislative action. This presentation provides a current overview of court rulings related to technical documentation in the areas of contract law, product liability law, and product safety law, particularly in combination with laws against unfair competition, since product safety law is a market conduct regulation, violations of which can lead to actions against competitors. Additionally, the presentation will cover recent legal developments, especially in the field of product safety law, such as the status of the revision of the EU Machinery Directive.

Das lernen Sie

In my presentation, you will learn about the latest legal developments in technical communication.


 Jens-Uwe Heuer-James

Jens-Uwe Heuer-James

  • Luther Rechtsanwaltgesellschaft

Jens Heuer-James ist Rechtsanwalt und Partner der Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mit dem Spezialgebiet Produktsicherheits- und Produkthaftungsrecht. Er verantwortet den tekom-Rechtsdienst und engagiert sich darüber hinaus beim tekom-Beirat Normen und dem tekom Europe Advisory Board Legislation and Standards.

Jens Heuer-James is a lawyer and partner at Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft, specializing in product safety and product liability law. He is responsible for the tekom legal service and is also involved in the tekom and tekom Europe standard committees.