tekom - Tagungen

"May the Bots Be With You": Enabling Smarter Conversation Design

  • Fachvortrag
  • 02. November
  • 17:00 - 17:45 PM (MEZ)
  • Channel C
  • beendet
  • Folien
  •  Marianne Macgregor

    Marianne Macgregor

    • SAP SE
  •  Sabrina Stork

    Sabrina Stork

    • SAP SE


With Gartner predicting that by 2022 70% of white-collar workers will be interacting with conversational platforms daily, conversation design is becoming increasingly important. To ensure the success of chatbots and to get this type of human/machine interaction right, a lot of thought and care needs to be placed in the design of the conversational flow. This talk covers ten top tips to help design even smarter chatbot conversations.

Das lernen Sie

The objective is to provide an understanding of the top ten tips from a recommended conversation design process for chatbots, so listeners are able to design chatbot conversations that are clear, natural, and logical to users.


No prior knowledge is required. Interesting to all, approachable for beginner level and up, but mainly for anyone interested in designing clear and natural conversations for bots.


 Marianne Macgregor

Marianne Macgregor

  • SAP SE

Marianne has worked for SAP SE for over 20 years, and since 2016 has mainly focused on conversation design. Currently Marianne is a project manager for an internal conversational AI project. She has also created and teaches basic and advanced training courses on conversation design.

 Sabrina Stork

Sabrina Stork

  • SAP SE

Sabrina has been at SAP in User Assistance (UA) for 11 years and got involved in conversation design in 2018 through an internal project. Besides authoring, Sabrina provides support on conversation design and regularly attends events to promote the importance of UA in conversation design projects.