tekom - Tagungen

Knowledge Graphs in Delivery Applications: How to Connect Information by Semantic Correlation Rules

  • Fachvortrag
  • Intelligente Bereitstellung von Nutzerinformation
  • 15. November
  • 12:30 - 13:15 PM (MEZ)
  • Plenum1
  • beendet
  • Folien
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang  Ziegler

    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler

    • Hochschule Karlsruhe HKA & I4ICM & CCTI


With the concept of Semantic Correlation Rules (SCR), delivery applications can be extended and the interconnection of content in knowledge graphs can be modelled and used in a simple standardised way. In the lecture, the concept and the experiences from different implementations will be presented. In this context, common content delivery applications were coupled to graph databases via a web interface in industrial cooperations at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. The starting point should always be real use cases that make the knowledge of users, trainers, service or helpdesk staff available in the form of correlated content when displaying delivery results. The SCR formalism is independent of the respective systems. It is based only on the metadata of the content management or content delivery systems used.

Das lernen Sie

  • Concept and objective of the Semantic Correlation Rules
  • Connection to existing ontologies and knowledge graphs
  • Implementation strategies and use case extraction
  • Implementations in CDP
  • Experiences from industry cooperations Outlook and further developments


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang  Ziegler

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler

  • Hochschule Karlsruhe HKA & I4ICM & CCTI

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler forscht und lehrt Informations- und Content-Management an der Hochschule Karlsruhe. Er hat seit über 25 Jahren viele Projekte zur Systemkonzeption und -einführung begleitet.