tekom - Tagungen

iiRDS: Latest Developments

  • Fachvortrag
  • Intelligente Bereitstellung von Nutzerinformation
  • 06. November
  • 11:30 - 12:15 AM (MEZ)
  • Plenum 1
  • Anne Kuhsen

    • SEW-Eurodrive
  • Dr. Michael Fritz

    Dr. Michael Fritz

    • tcworld GmbH
  • Dr. Ing. Achim Steinacker

    Dr. Ing. Achim Steinacker

    • Empolis Intelligent Views GmbH
  • Dr. Harald Stadlbauer

    • Ninefeb Technical Documentation GmbH


What's new with iiRDS? What progress has been made in the further development of iiRDS and its standardization? What tools have been released this year, and how do you use them?

The iiRDS Consortium, with the conveners of the working groups “Development”, “Tools – Validation – Content” and “Standards”, present the developments of iiRDS in 2024, such as the plugin for the DITA Open Toolkit, the iiRDS Request API and the ongoing work on the taxonomy and on links to top-level ontologies. The Consortium also discusses the revision of IEC PAS 63485:2023 and the work on the New Work Item Proposal to make iiRDS an international standard, as well as other projects to integrate iiRDS into Industry 4.0.

Das lernen Sie

Update on the latest developments of iiRDS, information on projects of the iiRDS working groups in 2024


A basic understanding of iiRDS. Participants can acquire basic knowledge by reading the free iiRDS whitepaper, which is available at tekom.de and iirds.org.


Anne Kuhsen

  • SEW-Eurodrive

Vita und Bilder von der tekom-Jahrestagung 2023 verwenden.


Hauptreferentin: Anne Kuhsen, iiRDS Steering Committee Coordinator



- Dr. Michael Fritz, Convener der iiRDS WG "Standards"

- Dr. Achim Steinacker, Convener der iiRDS WG "Tools - Validation - Content"

- Dr. Harald Stadlbauer, Convener der iiRDS Working Group "Development"

Dr. Michael Fritz

Dr. Michael Fritz

  • tcworld GmbH

Michael Fritz holds a PhD in media sciences and a degree in business administration with specialization in marketing. He worked for several associations, e.g. as head of an institute for lifelong learning. From 1996 until 2023 he was Executive Director of Gesellschaft für Technische Kommunikation – tekom Deutschland e.V. Since 2013 he is ED of Europe’s largest association for technical communication – tekom Europe. He is also CEO of tcworld GmbH, a company providing services for tekom / tekom Europe.

Dr. Ing. Achim Steinacker

Dr. Ing. Achim Steinacker

  • Empolis Intelligent Views GmbH

Dr. Achim Steinacker verfügt über lange Erfahrung beim Aufbau von Metadatenmodellen im Umfeld von Content-Delivery-Projekten Als Bereichsleiter bei der Empolis Information Management GmbH unterstützt er den Einsatz von semantischen Technologien und iiRDS in den Standardprodukt Empolis Content Express und kundenspezifischen Projekten von Empolis.

Dr. Harald Stadlbauer

  • Ninefeb Technical Documentation GmbH

Harald Stadlbauer ist Geschäftsführer der NINEFEB Unternehmensgruppe, die sich der Weiterentwicklung der Technischen Kommunikation, wie der Technischen Dokumentation sowie dem eLearning zur intelligenten Bereitstellung derselben widmet. Er ist aktiv an der Weiterentwicklung von iiRDS beteiligt und arbeitet an den AAS (Asset Administration Shell) Submodellen der IDTA (Industrial Digital Twin Association) mit.