tekom - Tagungen

Dynamic content delivery for major airport and logistics projects

  • Fachvortrag
  • Inhaltsbereitstellung
  • 06. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (MEZ)
  • C5.1
  • Mathias Refsgaard

    • BEUMER Group A/S


Join us and experience BEUMER Group’s eDoc platform. Designed specifically to optimize operational and maintenance documentation delivery for major sortation and transport systems for airports and logistic centers worldwide.

Discover the advantages and challenges of eDoc and the challenges we’ve overcome.

Experience a live showcase of eDoc and see the practical value of eDoc.


We find eDoc immensely useful. Perhaps you will too!

Das lernen Sie

  • Learn how we at BEUMER deliver digital documentation to our customers in multiple languages.
  • Find out who reads our documentation.
  • See why developing an online content delivery platform is worthwhile for us.


Mathias Refsgaard

  • BEUMER Group A/S

Current job: technical editor and technical writer at BEUMER Group.

Previous jobs include language consultant, translator, and translation coordinator.