tekom - Tagungen

Do We Need to Write Conceptual Information in Manuals?

  • Fachvortrag
  • User Experience
  • 06. November
  • 17:00 - 17:45 PM (MEZ)
  • Channel C
  • beendet
  • Folien
  • PhD Jonatan Lundin

    PhD Jonatan Lundin

    • Excosoft


Technical communicators are often told to focus on instructions and minimize descriptions, for example, how the components of an HW system works. Do you include such conceptual information in your manuals? If so, what purpose does it have? Based on research in technical communication, this session makes the case that conceptual information has a purpose. You will learn why, how and when it can support users to accomplish their goals.

Das lernen Sie

Users shape a mental model of the tools they use. The purpose of instructions and conceptual information is to support users to shape a mental model that corresponds to the tool. Thereby, users' chances of accomplishing a goal increases.


Experience as technical communicators, dealing with decisions on what type of information to design in user assistance.


PhD Jonatan Lundin

PhD Jonatan Lundin

  • Excosoft
  • Zum Profil

Jonatan is a senior information architect within the technical communication field. He has more than 25 years of experience working as a technical communicator. He received his PhD, which deals with the design of manuals, in 2020 from Mälardalen University.