tekom - Tagungen

Distill, Cluster, Validate: A Complete Terminology Life Cycle Supported by AI

  • Partnerpräsentation
  • Terminologie
  • 14. November
  • 09:00 - 09:45 AM (MEZ)
  • C5.1
  • beendet
  • Folien
  •  Mikael Lundahl

    Mikael Lundahl

    • Fodina Language Technology AB
  •  Klaus Fleischmann

    Klaus Fleischmann

    • Kaleidoscope GmbH


Validated, approved, and applied terminology is the basis for linguistic risk management. But how can you agree upon well-defined concepts and make sure you catch all wrong usages? We show how you can apply the distill – cluster – validate principle at all stages in terminology management, and how you can make sure you capture and manage the words that are being used in all processes and systems within your organization.

Das lernen Sie

The audience will learn how to establish and maintain a complete terminology life cycle at all stages thanks to the distill - cluster - validate principle.


They should know the basics of terminology work.


 Mikael Lundahl

Mikael Lundahl

  • Fodina Language Technology AB

I'm passionate about terminology and its effects on all kinds of documentation.

I have 20 years experience of language processes and language technology with specific focus on terminology.

My experiences come from companies like Ericsson, Scania, Volvo and Tetra Pak.


 Klaus Fleischmann

Klaus Fleischmann

  • Kaleidoscope GmbH

Klaus Fleischmann studierte Konferenzdolmetschen in Wien und Monterey, USA, sowie Technische Kommunikation in Krems. 1996 gründete er und leitet seither die Kaleidoscope GmbH als System- und Beratungshaus für Global Content. Seit 2007 ist er Geschäftsführer der eurocom Translation Services GmbH.