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Content Strategy Checklist: Score Your Efficiency

  • Fachvortrag
  • Content-Strategie & Informationsarchitektur
  • 06. November
  • 15:00 - 15:45 PM (MEZ)
  • C5.1
  • Elena Fedotova

    • Intel


This presentation delves into developing a measurable content strategy, crucial for new projects or managing substantial legacy content. It covers the essential criteria for evaluating how well your current content aligns with business objectives, the implementation of Zero-Based Budgeting to effectively scope and prioritize efforts, and strategies for collaborating with product management to improve the content development lifecycle. You'll gain insights and tools to assess current content, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure your strategy adapts to the evolving digital landscape.

Das lernen Sie

By the end of this presentation, you'll have a practical framework that not only supports but also measures the success of your content strategy in delivering tangible results.


Elena Fedotova

  • Intel

Technical Writing and Content Strategy Manager at Intel Software Products and Ecosystem Group