Maximum participants: 30
Corporations are looking for all sorts of ways to reduce content costs and shorten production cycles. They are looking to AI as the magic bullet, but the actual content creation is a small part of the overall operating model. This workshop looks at ways to find waste in production processes and present the results in compelling ways to decision-makers.
The dirty little secret of our industry is that the maintenance of content maintenance is where significant overhead is incurred. Organizations rarely look at the operational efficiency of content production, often because the executive suite vastly underestimates the complexity and resource intensity of the production process. To put it bluntly, they focus on the last mile and ignore the blocks and bottlenecks that happen upstream. How do you figure out where to focus when trying to optimize the right operating model for your content team? Rahel takes the audience through the content-ops landscape, providing guidance to help organizations identify problem areas and calculate the ROI of fixing them.
Das lernen Sie
Attendees will learn basic ways to measure costs, reduce waste, and measure outcomes in ways that demonstrate efficiencies.
Responsible for managing content production or influencing processes and operating budget.