tekom - Tagungen

An Old Method for Defining New Documentation

  • Fachvortrag
  • Inhaltserstellung
  • 08. November
  • 11:00 - 11:45 AM (MEZ)
  • C4.2/3
  • beendet
  • Folien
  • CEO Paula Stern

    CEO Paula Stern

    • WritePoint Ltd.


First step in documentation is to outline content. Using the MoSCoW method combined with modern expectations and standards, determining the flow of your documentation can be simple and fast. This new/old approach can redefine how you define your workflow.

Das lernen Sie

In this presentation, you will learn how to evaluate content more quickly and correctly to create efficient, top-quality documentation easily. This isn't about tools but methodology. This isn't about punctuation, it's about content.


No prior knowledge is required. This presentation is for entry, junior and senior writers.


CEO Paula Stern

CEO Paula Stern

  • WritePoint Ltd.

Paula Stern is a senior tech writer from Israel. She is the CEO of WritePoint Ltd. and the lead instructor of WritePoint’s Technical Writing Course. Paula is also the Spokesperson for tekom Israel, a popular blogger and presenter.