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GenAI Reality Check – Insights from Content Delivery Implementations

  • Fachvortrag
  • Inhaltsbereitstellung
  • 06. November
  • 09:00 - 09:45 AM (MEZ)
  • C5.1
  •  Fabrice Lacroix

    Fabrice Lacroix

    • Fluid Topics


Almost two years after Generative AI made its frantic debut, we can now evaluate the first outcomes of early GenAI projects in technical communication. Applications to Content Delivery in particular seemed to offer some of the most promising use cases, but which ones lived up to expectations and delivered the expected outcomes? It's time for a reality check. Which challenges were solved, and which technological and organizational questions still stand in the way of GenAI adoption? Which areas of business see tangible benefits from GenAI applications? What are the key metrics to evaluate the success of these initiatives, and what does success actually look like? 

We’ve been helping our customers implement a growing number of GenAI-powered content delivery projects. So now, we’re gathering first-hand data, insights, and findings from these early adopters to share this must-know information for anyone starting or involved in a GenAI initiative. 

Das lernen Sie

Join us for an insightful session where we uncover successes, hard realities, and emerging leading practices of GenAI implementations in Content Delivery backed by customer observations and data. 


Good knowledge of content operations.


 Fabrice Lacroix

Fabrice Lacroix

  • Fluid Topics

Fabrice Lacroix is a serial entrepreneur and a web pioneer. He has been working for 25 years on the development of innovative solutions around search technology, content enrichment and AI. He is the founder of Fluid Topics, the leading Content Delivery Platform for technical documentation.