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Referent:innen der tekom-Jahrestagung 2024

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Ray Gallon

  • The Transformation Society
  • Prades
  •  Ray Gallon


Ray Gallon is president and co-founder of the Transformation Society, which develops strategies for humanist digital transformation and organizational learning, and researches the theory and practice of smart pedagogies. He has over 50 years’ experience as a communicator, most recently in the technical content industries. Earlier, Ray was an award-winning radio producer and journalist.  Ray is a fellow of the Society for Technical Communication, has been considered a thought leader, and served as president of the Information 4.0 Consortium. He is a frequent speaker and keynoter on communications topics at conferences (including TC World) and seminars around the world. He has contributed to numerous books, journals, and magazines on learning professions and organizations, and received an award for excellence in instructional design from the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education for his course at the University of Strasbourg, "Information Design for the Fourth Industrial Revolution." Ray is the editor of the book, The Language of Technical Communication (XML Press).