tekom - Tagungen
Referent:innen der tekom-Jahrestagung 2024

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Jennifer Bennor

  • Vestas Deutschland GmbH
  • Hamburg
  •  Jennifer Bennor


Jennifer Bennor is a Quality Lead of Technical Documentation at Vestas, a global designer, manufacturer, seller, installer and servicer of wind turbines. She is responsible for the quality within the technical documentation team alongside ensuring the team has the same foundation of Simplified Technical English (STE). Jennifer is the German National Coordinator and Vice-Chairperson of the ASD Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group (STEMG), responsible for the development and maintenance of the ASD-STE100, Simplified Technical English Specification. She joined the STEMG in 2019. Jennifer additionally coordinates the Simplified Technical English Support Team for German-speaking countries (STEST-GEC), and is a member of tekom Deutschland e.V. and its working group "Terminology of Technical Communication" (TTK).