tekom - Tagungen
Referent:innen der tekom-Jahrestagung 2024

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Jenny Paatz

  • BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
  • Giengen
  •  Jenny Paatz


Jenny Paatz has been working at BSH Hausgeräte GmbH since 2012 and is responsible for terminology and the creation of usage information as a technical writer in the "Cooling" department. She studied "Communication and Technical Documentation" and then set up the technical documentation department at Erhardt+Abt GmbH (special engineering). She works voluntarily at tekom WG TTK on the tekom terminology database and is part of the ISO committee for the development of an international standard for translation-oriented writing. Since 2023 she has been tekom regional group leader of the Alb-Donau regional group. In her free time she plays table tennis, learns guitar and sings in the BSH Big Band.